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Protect yourself online


The everyday use of mobile telephones, tablets, and personal computers is now commonplace in most people’s lives. We use these devices to verbally and visually communicate, for business, for financial transactions, and as multipurpose storage devices which we are now even more reliant upon. These devices hold key information that can be targeted in several ways including scam emails, false representation of a service provider, inadequate software protection, or password security. These are just some methods used by criminals to obtain your personal details and those of your family which can lead to the theft of your identity.

Here are some simple steps we can all take to help protect ourselves against this type of crime. Protect your password

  • DON’T use the same password for all your devices or access systems. 

  • DON’T use names or words easily linked to you (eg: family, pet, or school names)  in your password.

  • CHANGE your password regularly.



Protect your computer or mobile device


  • INSTALL reliable anti-virus protection for all your computers and mobile devices. 

  • UPDATE your anti-virus protection regularly.

  • DISABLE unwanted applications – if you don’t use it, lose it. Protect your identification online

  • DON'T let anybody else access your personal information or your devices.

  • DON’T give anyone remote access to your devices.

  • DON’T access email senders you don’t know.

  • DON’T share your personal or financial information online such as driver’s license details, date of birth, etc. 

If you believe you have been a victim of a cyber related offense – report it immediately at this link



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Bartlesville, OK  74006


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